Rader funeral home obituaries and death notices for the kilgore, tx area. Explore life stories, offer condolences & send flowers. Browse henderson local obituaries on legacy. com. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the guestbook for your loved one. Read rader funeral home of henderson obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in henderson, tx
Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful expressions of support on your loved one's social obituary page. Funerals as unique as your life life is full of opportunities to show someone we love them. One such opportunity is the funeral or memorial service. Obituary published on legacy. com by rader funeral home of henderson on jun. Sharon darlene chapman of henderson passed away on june 27, 2024. Services for debbie marie reyes, 58, will be held on friday, april 9, 2021 at two o'clock in the afternoon, at mount hope cemetery in henderson with stephen kelling. Funeral services for mr. Gainey will be held at rader funeral home in henderson at 10 am, saturday may 4 with the burial to follow at lakewood memorial gardens. Funeral services for fernando chavez will be held on friday, march 22 at 10 am in the chapel of rader funeral home of henderson with the burial to follow at bridges cemetery. Graveside services for lanell smithey, 83, of henderson, will be held on tuesday, july 28, 2020 at 2pm at kilgore memorial gardens. Lanell was called home by her lord and savior on july. Visit the rader funeral home of henderson website to view the full obituary. Graveside services for mrs. Peggy sue davis, 84, of henderson will be held at 10:00am thursday, december 2,. Hazel sanchez was born august 5, 2021 and passed away on august 24, 2024.
Lanell was called home by her lord and savior on july. Visit the rader funeral home of henderson website to view the full obituary. Graveside services for mrs. Peggy sue davis, 84, of henderson will be held at 10:00am thursday, december 2,. Hazel sanchez was born august 5, 2021 and passed away on august 24, 2024. A celebration of life for hazel will be held saturday, august 31 at 12 noon in the chapel of rader funeral. Hazel sanchez was born august 5, 2021 and passed away on august 24, 2024. A celebration of life for hazel will be held saturday, august 31 at 12 noon in the chapel of rader funeral. Henderson, texas — sherry (burks) beavers, aged 77 of henderson, texas passed on april 18, 2024. Join the family in honoring and remembering the full life that sherry. Funeral services for ms. Waller will be tuesday, september 27, 2022, at 3pm in the chapel of rader funeral home in henderson. Interment will follow services at crim's. We welcome you to explore the rader funeral home facilities, and invite you to discover a comforting and peaceful place to honor your loved one. Services at the graveside for richard holleman, 78, of henderson will be held on tuesday, march 23, 2021, at 1 pm in the danville cemetery with bro. 1,848 likes · 36 talking about this · 531 were here. Located in longview and henderson, texas, we invite you to discover.
Hazel sanchez was born august 5, 2021 and passed away on august 24, 2024. A celebration of life for hazel will be held saturday, august 31 at 12 noon in the chapel of rader funeral. Henderson, texas — sherry (burks) beavers, aged 77 of henderson, texas passed on april 18, 2024. Join the family in honoring and remembering the full life that sherry. Funeral services for ms. Waller will be tuesday, september 27, 2022, at 3pm in the chapel of rader funeral home in henderson. Interment will follow services at crim's. We welcome you to explore the rader funeral home facilities, and invite you to discover a comforting and peaceful place to honor your loved one. Services at the graveside for richard holleman, 78, of henderson will be held on tuesday, march 23, 2021, at 1 pm in the danville cemetery with bro. 1,848 likes · 36 talking about this · 531 were here. Located in longview and henderson, texas, we invite you to discover.