This is the introduction of my newest book, the coming golden age: 31 ways to be kingdom ready. David jeremiah is one of america’s most trusted bible teachers. For more than 40 years he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the bible through 4,552 daily turning point. David jeremiah, founder of turning point radio and television ministries and senior pastor of shadow mountain community church, felt god’s calling on his life at a very early age.
David jeremiah answers many of the common questions about what we can expect life to be like in the millennium. Jeremiah is currently promoting his new book called the coming golden age. Per one of his recent instagram posts, the book “answers many of the common questions. Learn about the life and work of dr. David jeremiah, one of america’s most influential evangelical christian leaders. Find out his age, background, achievements, and key. David is 79 years old. He was born on february 13, 1941 in toledo, ohio, united states. David graduated from cedarville university in 1963. He has a master’s degree in theology from. Skip and go to davidjeremiah. org In the book of signs, dr. David jeremiah offers answers to these questions and many more. Drawing from decades of study, dr. Jeremiah explains every key sign of the approaching.
Skip and go to davidjeremiah. org In the book of signs, dr. David jeremiah offers answers to these questions and many more. Drawing from decades of study, dr. Jeremiah explains every key sign of the approaching. Deepen your understanding of biblical prophecy. Jeremiah answers questions about the coming golden age and what to expect in the millennium. It is not about what jesus did. David jeremiah takes you on an amazing journey into the very heart of christ—not through a storybook of his life, but through an astonishing exploration of.
Jeremiah answers questions about the coming golden age and what to expect in the millennium. It is not about what jesus did. David jeremiah takes you on an amazing journey into the very heart of christ—not through a storybook of his life, but through an astonishing exploration of.